NGINX Assets

Event and promotional designs
My role: Lead Designer

Collaborated with:
Sandra Kennedy - Art Director
Jessica Eith - Motion Designer
Project Overview
NGINX is part of F5 with the products are more about open source and improve app delivery; and more security in Kubernetes. I had a chance to create some NGINX assets including concept for NGINX event and other social assets.
Microservices March 2023
This is one of NGINX's annual event in which audiences can gain knowledge about delivering Microservices, and up to date of softwares that will be released and upgraded.
The concept idea comes from the planting community where people learn about how to grow the plants like what Microservices will bring in the app delivery world.
Social media ads
Seasonal header images
I had an opportunity to take responsibility on updating NGINX social banners during seasons and holidays that catches audiences' attention and brings an interesting visualization of seasonal changes.
KubeCon event
NGINX joined Kubecon event as a sponsor that allowed NGINX team to introduce Kubernetes solutions to customers. I had a chance to work on concept for NGINX KubeCon 2022. The idea comes from the location feature where KubeCon was hosted and bring the NGINX brand into the booth, social banners, and swangs